看到e6 女巫线有点为了世界观而世界观装逼装崩了的感觉 很喜欢匕首人设 斗篷太过沉重正人君子了 节奏算快/看完第八集 加多了一星女主切钢筋 条子塞冰箱刺激 9的女巫讲解无限让我跳到了始祖家族 10两人牵手上天的特效 简直震惊 过家家呢就拯救世界了这结尾对不起这片子
Rewatched in May 2021. Being a Philip K. Dick adaptation, the story that Minority Report tells is compelling and raises deep political questions - ones that are not as futuristic as they may have seemed on their first publication. The richness of the scenario is such that the film contains two interrelated plots that could have been made into two separate full-length movies that both deliver in their own right. The logic of the occurring events and their plausibility within the boundaries of the film will keep you wondering if there isn't anything amiss in terms of holes & inconsistencies, but everything checks out perfectly at the end of the day.